The WLIC Youth Committee invites our young brothers and sisters to a special evening on Wednesday 14th March 7pm, with Imam Yahya Ederer (USA), organised in association with UKIM Youth at the West London Islamic Centre, Ealing.

At a time when many young people have been distracted towards social ills, bad company and the squandering of time, the Deen of Islam inspires its youth to be faith-filled, active, engaged and productive members of their community and society. The Imam is here on a UK tour to help our young people re-discover their true identity and purpose. Meet the Imam and come and enjoy a relaxing evening in good company and good food Insha’Allah

Imam John Yahya Ederer was born in Oklahoma City, USA and accepted Islam in 1998. In the summer of 2002, he accepted a scholarship offer from the Islamic American University (IAU) where he moved and studied for 3 years. The IAU also sponsored him for a year in Cairo, Egypt studying an intensive curriculum of the Arabic language as well as Qur’anic memorisation and recitation. In his last few months in Egypt he was blessed with the opportunity to study in lectures held by various scholars in the grand mosque of al-Azhar.

In 2005 he was recruited by the Islam Presentation Committee in Kuwait to work as the head of the English Da’wa Department. While in Kuwait , he attained a diploma from the institute for Islamic Studies. In 2008 he finished his memorisation of the Qur’an and attained an Ijazah that puts his name on a list of 29 other people who are in the chain of narration of the Qur’an based on memorisation and recitation of the Qur’an by Hafs according to Asim by way of Tayyibah. Imam Yahya recently served as an Imam in Florida, he is currently serving as an Imam in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. You can view a presentation on Justice in Islam by Imam Yahya here

Address: Wst London Islamic Centre Brownlow Road London W13

Contact: 07886 268477

Event Date: 14 March 2012