According to Met Police figures, the level of Islamophobia in London has increased by 61% this year, the story closer to home is much worse, in Ealing there has been an increase of 185%, with over 70 incidences of Islamophobia reported.

On Saturday 22nd October 3-6pm Muslim Engagement & Development (MEND) will be visiting WLIC to deliver a presentation on some of the causes and cures of Islamophobia. Xenophobia and intolerance in general should be understood and contested. Join us as we discuss, how we as a community can help tackle a burning issue of the day.

Free entry, to register and for enquiries please contact Br Aman on 020 8980 4591 [email protected] or Br Yassin on 020 8840 4140

Event Date: 22 October 2016