Join our our special guests Ibrahim Khan (Founder of Islamic Finance Guru) and Umer Suleman (General Manager, Wahed Investment UK) to learn about the halal ways of making your money grow. Able Muslims are duty-bound to manage and disburse their individual wealth in accordance with the edicts of Islam. Wealth creation for the benefit of family, community development and to alleviate suffering or poverty is a noble endeavour requiring insight, financial planning and multiple, ethical investment streams.Topics covered will include:

– What is Halal investing?

– How to get your personal finances & investing in order

– Do’s and Don’ts of Crypto currency, Forez, BTL and CFD’s

– Savings & the rise of Islamic Fintech

Don’t miss out on a great learning opportunity! Register for free on at

For further details on please visit Islamic Finance Guru or Wahed Invest 
