Buoyed by last years successful Sharing Ramadan Campaign organised and hosted by WLIC, the Centre was eager to repeat one of its central initiatives again this year, by continuing to provide food and drink for the homeless.

In the spirit of Ramadan, a month of charity and helping those less fortunate, WLIC together with the kind support of Acton Mosque & Muslim Welfare Association, was honoured to provide meals for over 200 local homeless visitors at Acton Homeless Concern (AHC) on Thursday 1st August 2013.

Following another hard year for many under privileged in our community, Acton Homeless Concern has seen an increase in the number of clients it serves, amidst a contrasting decrease in subsidised funding. WLIC is pleased to play its small role in supporting the efforts of this essential charity, which cares for the destitute in our local community. Ian Breen from AHC said passed his best wishes to the Muslim community and said, ‘Thank you so much, you don’t know what it means to our charity, because of your efforts, we did not have to cook today.’

It is considered a duty to fulfill such acts as God Almighty credits the feeding of the poor and states in the Islamic scripture, the Qur’an: ‘And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive, [Saying], ‘We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. We wish not from you reward or gratitude,’’ [Al-Qur’an 76:8-9]