Last month in September, the West London Islamic Centre (WLIC) was pleased to host the much-debated Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson and comparative-religionist Mohammed Hijab, as part of a cultural and theological exchange for a dialogue organised by the Sapience Institute.
The programme took place during Dr Petersons international tour and was his first attendance in a UK Mosque.

In the wake of successful engagement events, such as the WLIC Community Iftar and the national Visit My Mosque campaign, the occasion hoped to raise awareness of Islam and facilitate the second part of a popular intellectual podcast between the speakers, discussing faith and areas of theological commonality and difference between religions. Mr Peterson has previously expressed some contentious views about Islam and Muslims, the dialogue was a forum to present normative Islamic perspectives and challenge some of those views in an attempt to set the record straight.


Mr Peterson spent several hours as a guest at the Centre, beginning with a tour of its facilities and ended with an observation of the congregational afternoon prayer. The tour included a presentation of the Centre’s relief work in Palestine and the Al Quds Donor Wall, which was commissioned to highlight the significance of Masjid Al Aqsa, Jerusalem and the holy lands to British Muslims. As part of WLIC’s outreach, both local and international, the interests of our community are foremost in our endeavours, to project the principled, dignified, sophisticated and holistic nature of our faith.