Ramadan 2025 will begin on Saturday 1st March. We would like to wish our entire community a peaceful, productive and blessed Ramadan. We ask Allah (swt) to accept our fasts, salah and charity, above all may we attain his good favour and pleasure, with success in this life and the one to come.

If you are visiting the Centre please walk to the Masjid or park your car sensibly, the sisters entrance for Jummah and Taraweeh is on the side Brownlow Road. Please supervise your children at all times, there are construction works taking place on site, please cooperate with our stewards and volunteers who are here to for your saftey and comfort. If you find the gate closed and the Masjid full please wait patiently for the next prayer, or the completion of 8 rakah/units, the Masjid prays 20 rakah.

Please download the Ramadan Timetable 2025 here you can also access our Activity Calendar 2025 here, which outlines all the key programmes taking place over this blessed period, we hope you are able to benefit.

Ramadan 2025 Appeal Target £400,000

Having raised circa £8.25 million our landmark, facility rich, activity led and exceptionally beautiful Masjid is edging towards completion. Despite the economic challenges and appreciation in costs, construction restarted in June 2024. To keep the schedule of works on track, as of March 2025 we now urgently need £400K by the end of March 2025 to finish the upper banqueting (2nd) and education (3rd) floors.

These will include the new library, the education faculty, welfare clinic, media suite, and banqueting hall. See below for pics on progress and a short financial summary. This will then leave just the 4th floor health facility and ground floor bookshop/cafe outstanding.

Please take your share of the rewards, we require 400 families or groups of friends to donate £1000 or call us for information on donating a tile on the Al Quds Donor Wall, which is now a permenant feature in the centre lobby.

Please donate online by clicking here and don’t forget to Gift Aid your donation if you are UK tax payer, alternatively please make a bank transfer or visit the office to donate the £1000 family pledge or a tile for £1500. Please present this appeal to your friends and family to request their assistance. We have a come a long way, Jazakallah’Khair and thank you for your continued support.