Madrassah Al Manar is now enrolling students for the 2008/9 academic year. The part-time one year courses begin in October and are especially designed for teenage boys and girls (Ages 13-19 only). The Al-Manar education project has successfully assisted many young Muslims who missed out on a sound and vital early educative introduction to Islamic learning. Some of our children a drifting away from their faith, help us help them. Register your child today.

Madrassah Al-Manar for Girls

Taught by Dr Rahat Mir and colleagues, the syllabus includes foundation and intermediate modules covering recitation of Qur’an, tajweed, basic memorisation, Islamic studies, Tawheed, Usool Al-Hadith and Usool Al-Fiqh. Course material such as the Muslim Womens Handbook and Studies in Islam series will be provided. The classes will take place on Saturdays and Sunday from 10am to 3pm, the annual fee is £500. Deadline for admission is Friday 17th October, the course begins on Saturday 18th October 2008.

Madrassah Al-Manar for Boys

Senior tutors Br Inam-ul-Haq Haqqani (International Islamic University Islamabad) and Hafiz Abdur-Rahman (Medina University) will teach a syllabus comprising of recitation and basic memorisation of Qur’an, Uloomul Qur’an (Sciences of the Qur’an), Arabic language studies from the famous Gateway to Arabic series of books by Dr Imran Alawiye, Islamic Studies from Ghulam Sarwar’s book Islam, Beliefs & Teachings (first published 1980) and Hadith studies. The course is available in two options, weekdays on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 5.30pm-8pm or on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday from 3-6pm. Course fee is £500, payable in three installments, this includes the provision of some course material.

All classes will be held at the West London Islamic Centre. For futher information or to obtain an application form please call Br Inam-ul-Haq Haqqani on 07875 571645